
Two new publications on Subutex

Mental illness and drug use


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Out of Your Head Guides

Mental illness and drug use



Information for people who inject heroin and cocaine.

Big Blue Books

The Big Blue Book of SmokingThe Big Blue Book of SmokingThe Big Blue Book of DrugsThe Big Blue Book of Booze


Minimal Text and Injecting

McDermotts Guides


2008 catalogue

New catalogue for 2008. Download a copy (800kb PDF)

Publications Catalogue

Catalogue | Price List | Order Form | Ordering Information | Code of Practice


Publication Aims
R12 - Cannabis FAQs To provide accurate information on the nature and effects of cannabis in an accessible question and answer format.
R11 - Heroin To provide accurate information on heroin in an accessible question and answer format. This publication is designed to make people think before embarking on 'casual' or experimental heroin use by highlighting the nature and risks of addiction.
R9 - Ecstasy To provide information on what happens when you take ecstasy and illustrates that you can't know what you are taking. It provides detailed information on the short and long-term dangers and how to guard against them and explains what to do if someone collapses.
R8 - Ketamine To provide information about the nature and effects of ketamine and to illustrate the associated dangers including psychological addictive properties, mental health problems and recognising / responding to overdose.
R10 - GHB To provide accurate information on the nature and effects of GHB including how to reduce the risk of overdose and the dangers associated with mixing drugs.
R6 - LSD To provide accurate information on the nature of LSD including dose-related effects and mental health issues.
R13 - Magic Mushrooms FAQs To provide informationn on the nature and effects of magic mushrooms in an accessible question and answer format.
R14 - Crack and Cocaine To provide information on the nature and effects of cocaine and crack cocaine in an accessible question and answer format.
R15 - Amphetamine and Methamphetamine To provide information on the nature and effects of amphetamine and methamphetamine in a question and answer format