still telling the truth about drugs


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Publications Catalogue

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Code Title Aims
A5 A-Z of Safer Sex Poster To provide accurate information on safer sex.
R6 Acid To provide accurate information on the nature of LSD including dose-related effects and mental health issues.
K2 Alcopops Postcards To provide information on alcohol and alcopops. The postcards feature information on : drinking, driving and overcrowding cars; advertising; alcohol content; drinking to appear hard, risky situations; drinking alone and helping friends.
K1 Alcopops Poster To provide information on alcohol and alcopops. The poster and postcards feature information on : drinking, driving and overcrowding cars; advertising; alcohol content; drinking to appear hard, risky situations; drinking alone and helping friends. Space is provided for local information.
A28 Anabolic Steroids To provide detailed information onAnabolic steroid use and substances. This booklet also includes a step-by-step guide to intra-muscular injection, the purpose of which is to encourage safer practice.
A33 Ballad of the Two Charlies This publication aims to raise the issue of cocaine and cocaine smoking among young offenders. It is designed to give a detailed explanation of how cocaine problems can develop and compares the problems and stigma of using heroin with those of smoking cocaine. It has been designed as a storybook, to be read aloud by peers or professionals, for those with reading difficulties.
D4 Better Injecting To provide information that minimises the risks associated with injecting drug use in a predominantly graphic format that is accessible to those with lower levels of literacy. It includes a step-by-step guide to injecting heroin highlighting the relevant dangers at each stage.
B2 Big Blue Book of Booze To present the facts about alcohol in a realistic and down-to-earth way. To identify safe limits to drinking. To identify the risks of unsafe sex when intoxicated, clearly identify alcohol as a strong drug and to show heavy drinking as unattractive and anti-social.
B6 Big Blue Book of Cannabis To present the facts about cannabis in a realistic, down to earth way, so as to encourage an informed debate around its social and personal implications. This includes coverage of the legal, historical, cultural, policy and health issues that surround cannabis and cannabis use.
B4 Big Blue Book of Drugs To present the facts about the most commonly available drugs in a realistic down-to-earth-way. It provides detailed information on specific drugs and clearly identifies associated risks and dangers. In addition it explains what getting caught will mean and gives detailed information on looking after your friends if things go wrong.
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