still telling the truth about drugs

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Magic Mushrooms

At the end of 2004, the government published the new Drugs Bill, which contains proposed legislation to deal with "the open selling of magic mushrooms by clarifying in law that fresh mushrooms, as well as prepared ones, are illegal".

Read our response to this announcement here.

20 years of harm reduction

Read testaments from leading people in the drugs field on Michael Linnell's twenty years of producing harm reduction materials for Lifeline.

Publications Catalogue

Injecting Drug Users

A13 Who do they tell? To provide information about confidentiality and record-keeping by drug services, GPs and Health Authorities. It outlines who has access to them, the limits to confidentiality, service user rights relating to written records and describes the role of the regional Drug Misuse Database.
A25 Out-Patient Treatment for Heroin Addiction To outline a range of treatment options for heroin addiction in particular relating to the substitute prescribing of methadone including the identification of potential problems in accessing services, stabilising on methadone and detoxification services.
D1 Dig Guide To provide information for current injectors that reduces the risk of problems associated with injecting drugs use. It includes information on anatomy and injection sites, the preparation and injection of heroin, and highlights the dangers associated with blood borne viruses, femoral injection and overdose.
D2 Guide to Veins Poster To provide advice for current injectors that reduces the risk of problems arising from injecting drug use. It includes information relating to anatomy and injection sites.
D3 Street Heroin Poster To provide advice for current injectors that reduces the risk of problems arising from injecting drug use. It includes information relating to the preparation and injection of heroin.
D4 Better Injecting To provide information that minimises the risks associated with injecting drug use in a predominantly graphic format that is accessible to those with lower levels of literacy. It includes a step-by-step guide to injecting heroin highlighting the relevant dangers at each stage.
D5 When Things Go Wrong To provide information that highlights specific risks associated with injecting drug use in a predominantly graphic format that is accessible to those with lower levels of literacy. It includes information on how to avoid and respond to problems such as abscesses, 'dirty' hits and artery damage.
D6 Overdose To provide information on overdose prevention in a predominantly graphic format that is accessible to those with lower levels of literacy. It includes: recognising overdose, the recovery position, how to get help, and advice on overdose prevention.
D7 Smoking brown To provide information for current injectors in a predominantly graphic format that is accessible to those with lower levels of literacy. It includes a step-by-step guide to smoking heroin in order to encourage injectors to switch to smoking and to prevent drug-related death by reduce the risk of overdose for those injectors returning to use following a break.
D8 Going in the Groin To provide information for current injectors in a predominantly graphic format that is accessible to those with lower levels of literacy. It is designed to deter injecting drug users from injecting in the groin, and to provide a step-by-step guide for existing femoral injectors highlighting the relevant dangers at each stage.
H1 Hugo the Man with the Talking Liver To provide basic information in cartoon format about the role of the liver, how Hep C is caught and how to avoid transmission.
H2 Hep C Postcards To provide basic information about how Hep C is caught and how to avoid it. Uses a bullet-pointed format.
M1 Depressant Drugs To provide information about a range of depressant drugs including opiates, methadone, benzodiazepines and alcohol. It includes advice on harm minimisation, the dangers associated with injecting and the risks involved when mixing drugs.
M2 DIY Detox To provide information about coming off a range of drugs. It outlines what to expect, how to go about detox and includes helpful advice on how to maximise the chances of success.
M3 Guide to Treatment To provide information about treatment options for dependent drug users. It includes an outline of the various forms of drug treatment available and advice on how to access these effectively.
V1 The Viruses To provide basic information in cartoon format about the transmission of HIV, Hep B and C and encourage Hep B vaccination.