
  • A33Ballad of the Two Charlies

    “The Ballad of the Two Charlies” was developed out of a crack intervention project funded by Salford DAAT and aims to accelerate the process of stigmatising crack within a community by drawing on the stories of a group of people engaged in crime and crack use and communicating their experiences to a younger audience who are on the fringes of this lifestyle. It is a 32 page illustrated poem which tells the story of Charlie Chalk and Charlie Cheese and their experiences with crack cocaine.

    The book is designed to be given out to arrestees who have tested positive for cocaine, either at a police station or as part of the Drug Intervention Program.

  • M5Guide to Cocaine

    McDermott’s guide to cocaine.

  • D9Speedballs

    A guide for people who inject heroin and cocaine in one shot.

  • R14Cocaine and Crack

    Text guide to cocaine and crack in an accessible question and answer format.

  • B4Big Blue Book of Drugs

    The Big Blue Book of Drugs covers cannabis, LSD, solvents, amphetamine, ecstasy, cocaine, crack and heroin in detail and includes information on methadone, poppers, GHB, ketamine and steroids.

Lifeline Publications

Drug education and information resources that are:

Lifeline Project

Lifeline Project is a voluntary sector agency that provides a range of drug and alcohol services for adults and young people.

Lifeline Websites
