About Lifeline Publications

Who are Lifeline’s publications designed for?

Lifeline is a drugs and alcohol charity founded in 1971. For more than a decade we have produced a range of publications aimed at specific groups whose lives are affected by alcohol and drug use. Much of the information we produce is aimed at adults and young people who are already using drugs; other publications aim to inform those who may never have used drugs but have profound fears about the use of drugs within the society that they and their children inhabit.

What are the aims of Lifeline’s publications?

The overall aim of our publications is to provide credible up-to-date information in a style that is accessible and trusted by the target group. This on its own will not stop people from using drugs (there is no evidence that any form of mass media will do this). However, accurate and trusyworthy information has to be the best starting point for any decision making or positive behaviour change.

Aims for drug users:

The intended aim is to reduce the health and social risks from the specific drugs used by the target audience. We will not over exaggerate the dangers or they will not believe us when we tell them about more harmful drugs or methods of use. We will not moralise or condemn drug users for using drugs - we know this to be ineffective. Instead we will attempt to show an understanding of drug users as people, with all the faults, hopes and desires that makee us all human.

Aims for non-drug users:

The vast majority of young people will use legal drugs such as alcohol, many will go on to use illegal drugs such as cannabis. Drug use now starts at an earlier age; 19% of thirteen year olds have taken a drug (Department of Health 2002). We therefore aim to provide accurate, credible information for young people and their parents who are living in a world profoundly affected by drug use. As we cannot predict exactly which young people will go on to use drugs, we also aim to provide them with information that may reduce the risks should they ever use drugs. This is not encouraging drug use any more than sex education is encouraging sexual intercourse. It is a responsible pragmatic approach that deals with the world as it is.

Lifeline Publications

Drug education and information resources that are:

Lifeline Project

Lifeline Project is a voluntary sector agency that provides a range of drug and alcohol services for adults and young people.

Lifeline Websites
