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Drawing a Line | Mike Linnell | 20 Years of Harm Reduction

Pat O'Hare

Mike on Pat

Our sister organization in the 1980's (and Scouse v Mancs rivals) the Mersey Regional Drug Training and Information Centre (MDTIC) evolved into HIT while the North West Regional Drug Training Unit (NWRDTU), turned into Lifeline Publications. Both Pat O'Hare who worked at MDTIC and James Kay were both former bus drivers. Pat has spent the last fifteen years jetting around the world and turning harm reduction into the International Harm Reduction Association.

Quotation imageI remember the first time I met Mike. I didn't believe that this elegant, handsome well dressed bloke standing in front of me could possibly have been responsible for that load of - sorry I am getting carried away - brilliance is of course what I was going to write. Unfortunately, as a socio-economically deprived child from Bootle, I didn't read comics as a kid because my mum and dad couldn't buy them for us. I now suffer from a kind of comic illiteracy. I never know which bubble you read first. But everyone tells me they were great and I believe them. I know that they were effective harm reduction and were pioneering in speaking to people in a way that would attract them and keep their attention and be credible.

They also had an impact outside the UK. Last month I was at the soon to open heroin trial in Vancouver and there on the wall was a 'Granpa Smackhead Jones' poster. I think of Mike Linnell also for other things. I think of him as one of the most genuine, 'ego-less' people in the field; for his incredible passion to do something to change society's view of drug users and the way they are treated; for unbelievably clever, witty and incisive presentations at harm reduction conferences. I remember him at the Chiang Mai conference Gala Dinner badgering the organisers, successfully, to do some kind of collection to help Thai Drug Users who were being killed by their own government and then being one of the leaders in getting Paisan and Chockchai and other colleagues over to the UK to protest about the killings in Thailand.

Well done, Mike, you are a credit to our field. One thing I know for sure...I will never be able to tell a story as funny, scary and unbelievable as the one you told me in Jersey in 2000.

Pat O'Hare
President, International Harm reduction Association.