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Drawing a Line | Mike Linnell | 20 Years of Harm Reduction

Jon Derricott, Neil Hunt, Andrew Preston

Mike on Jon, Neil & Andrew

Although I've never worked directly with these three, I do bump into them fairly regularly in some fairly strange places. Neil, Andrew and Jon along with others established UKHRA and made it what it is today. Neil is one of those rare breed; an academic who puts 'the cause' before his own career. Although he does occasionally lapse into inappropriate beard wearing. Andrew came into the field as a nurse, but along with Jon had the nous to develop the provision of needle exchange equipment into a social enterprise with Exchange Supplies. Andrew is one of the few people in the harm reduction movement that you could take home to see your mum. I found out recently (in a 24 hour bar in Sydney) that like me, Jon had theatrical leanings before starting work in the drugs field. My last job before working for Lifeline was as a comedy acrobat and the night before starting work with HIT, Jon was a juggling unicyclist on stage at a Van Morrison concert. Amongst other things Jon is now an independent trainer.

Quotation imageIn his own words 'an ageing Lothario', Mike will always be a Mike to us, although he seems to have recently decided to become a Michael - maybe he's growing up? If that is the case, we can only hope that he doesn't lose his desire to stretch the elastic of what is possible and acceptable in drug information.

Everyone working in harm reduction in the UK knows about Mike: he's been around from the start. Our first memory of Mike's work is, of course, the legendary Grandpa Smackhead Jones - it made us chuckle at exactly the right time: starting in drugs work (at opposite ends of England), we didn't have that much of a clue, and could have got our priorities completely wrong. It helped to shape us into right-thinking boys!

Other moments that stand out...Mike's stunning designs and contribution to the international day of action opposing the murder of Thai Drug Users. And more recently his focus on smokers' rights - a timely reminder of the need for vigilance wherever public health and human rights are in tension. Top Drawer!

PS He's still at it: last weekend Jon's 12 year old son picked up the 'Big Blue Book of Drugs', read it cover to cover - and declared it "boss!"

Jon Derricott - Chair, UKHRA.
Neil Hunt - Director, UK Harm Reduction Association.
Andrew Preston - Exchange Supplies.